Ensemble Bauhaushotel - Haus des Volkes

Bahnhofstraße 25, 07330 Probstzella

In 1925, Alfred Arndt was released by Walter Gropius from his studies at the Bauhaus to complete the "House of the People" in Probstzella, one of the most important Bauhaus ensembles in Thuringia. He took over the shell of the house and realized it on behalf of the entrepreneur Franz Itting as an event and guest house. The Bauhaus workshops were responsible for the complete interior fittings of the multi-storey building. The striking cubic building with its roof tower and large modern garden still has a significant impact on the townscape of Probstzella today. In 2005, the impressive building was reopened as a Bauhaus hotel and event center, the former "House of the People", after being restored in accordance with the preservation order. The true-to-the-original restoration enables the visitor to take a journey into the past. The spirit of the Bauhaus can be felt especially in the restaurant "Blauer Saal" with its coordinated colors as well as typical Bauhaus elements. The house also houses a museum in which changing exhibitions are presented.





Features Lodging Business

bicycle stands

Bus parking

Takeaway Shop




Bahnhofstraße 25, 07330 Probstzella

+49 36735 46057

+49 36735 46017


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Burg Lauenstein

Burgstraße 3, 96337 Ludwigsstadt

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