The museum is located in the town of Hirschberg, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of the Frankwaldland and the Thuringian Slate Mountains Upper Saale Nature Park. It belongs to Thuringia and is located in the Saale-Orla district. It is located in the former office building of the leather factory, which collects and stores documents and objects of the tanning history. In the permanent exhibition "The History of the Leather Factory" large display boards, laboratory equipment and showcases with various working tools bear witness to the unique leather production. A media station invites visitors to linger and offers interesting information about the leather factory in sound and vision. The outdoor area with tanning barrel, tanner figures and tanning pit round off the museum visit.


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akzeptierte Zahlungsmittel:


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Am Auensee, 95189 Köditz

Badespaß für große & kleine Wasserratten


ca. 5,0 km entfernt

Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth

Mödlareuth 13, 95183 Töpen

Ehemals geteiltes Dorf, von den Amerikanern "Little Berlin" genannt, an der früheren deutsch-deutschen Grenze.


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